Monday 15 December 2008

... About Making Fudge

  1. Making fudge sounds rude but sometimes just means making fudge.

  2. Making fudge sounds easy:
    Take all the butter you have in the house add it to all the sugar you have in the house and melt it in some evaporated milk, then boil it, then cool it.

  3. Making fudge is NOT easy.

  4. Making fudge yourself is almost certainly not worth the effort especially as the quantity you make is likely to be large enough to give you a sugar rush more powerful than any drug known to man!

  5. Making fudge is probably best left to the professionals, I can recommend these guys but there's plenty out there!

... About Scorpions

Everybody knows that cockroaches will survive the apocalypse, but if they want to run planet earth they'll have the scorpions (not the band) to answer to and those guys don't mess about! In the post-apocalyptic wastelands I'm siding with the scorpions especially because by then they will probably have mutated into 8' goliaths (just like their Uncle Jake).

Scorpions belong to the arachnid family and are the cooler more deadly older brother of the spider - who don't have razor sharp claws or venomous stingers and lets face it are a bit dull.

As well as being able to withstand nuclear radiation scorpions can survive without breathing for 3 days, without eating for a year, being frozen sold, and being set on fire - which they often do for fun at parties. Other party tricks up the scorpion sleeves include glowing fluorescent under UV lights, being able to detach their penis, and not actually having sleeves! Unfortunately they don't handle strong liquor well and should be kept on beers if possible.

Currently scorpions are creating a cure for cancer just because they can and they're that cool.