Sunday, 30 December 2007

...about Aztec Deities

Pryzacapoffabotl - god of difficult-to-open soft drink containers
Gotabotlofpop - the goddess of soft drinks and maiden wife of Pryzacapoffabotl
Popacapinyoass (known by the Inca name Mmgonabustyachops) - the god of war and suitor to Gotabotlofpop
Gotapopiandanetl - god of foliage
Gotafutonthethrotl and Haali-Davisun - twin gods of speed
Havacapmadeofmetl - god of protective headgear.
Tiktokgoestheclok - god of time
Hadalotovbotl - god of bravery
L'afMbalsov - deity of mirth and merriment
Pupilivsinakenl - god of pet accommodation
Kanamanswimthechanl - god of long-distance swimming

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